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tukang bual bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tukang bual"
  • tukang:    artisan; craftsman; handyman; -man; man;
  • bual:    chat; schmoose; confabulation; schmooze; talk;
  • bual:    chat; schmoose; confabulation; schmooze; talk; confab; speak
  • berbual-bual:    chat; confab; visit; twaddle; chitchat; jaw; palaver; prattle; blabber; blab; gabble; chit-chat; chaffer; confabulate; tattle; piffle; maunder; gibber; gossip; clack; chatter; chew the fat; shoot th
  • temu bual:    interview
  • rancangan temu bual:    talk show
  • tukang:    artisan; craftsman; handyman; -man; man; handycraftsman; crafter; -er; person; artificer; smith; metalworker; skilled worker; journeyman; expert; tradesman; factotum
  • burung tukang:    nightjar
  • sebagai tukang:    by trade
  • tukang ahli:    craftsman
  • tukang api:    stoker; fireman
  • tukang arloji:    clock-maker; watchmaker
  • tukang asah:    grinder
  • tukang aspal:    asphalter
  • tukang ayan:    tinker
  • Testosterone-driven windbags, boasting about your big guns?
    Tukang bual yang terdorong oleh testosteron, membual tentang senjata besarmu?
  • You want me to tell you something, my windbag friend?
    Kau ingin aku mengatakan sesuatu, tukang bual saya teman?
  • You're an egomaniacal windbag.
    Kau seorang ego-maniak tukang bual.
  • Henry Wilcox is a dangerous old windbag angling to come out of retirement.
    Henry wilcox adalah tukang bual tua berbahaya Memancing untuk keluar pensiun.
  • So I can get out of here, and won't have to listen to this windbag.
    Agar aku bisa keluar dan tak perlu mendengarkan tukang bual ini?